The Somali Response Innovation Lab (SomRIL) is an inter-agency partnership. It seeks to create and apply effective innovations to enhance the impact of humanitarian and development interventions to improve the resilience of the Somali people. This is achieved through providing a supportive and safe environment where NGOs, the private sector, UN agencies, government and academia can share specific challenges they face when delivering humanitarian and resilience programming, and identify innovative solutions which can be brought to scale. SomRIL is part of the Global Response Innovation Lab partnership whose founding members include World Vision, Save the Children, Oxfam, George Washington University and Civic.
The SomRIL is hosted under the Somali Resilience Program (SomReP), which is a consortium of seven NGOs – World Vision, Action Against Hunger, ADRA, Care, COOPI, Danish Refugee Council and Oxfam. We work with many other organisations such as George Washington University and Benadir University’s Somali Disaster Resilience Institute (SDRI). With bases in Mogadishu and Nairobi, we bring together a range of different actors working on significantly bettering outcomes for Somalis.
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